Hydrologic Soil Group (0)
| D |
| C/D |
| C |
| B/D |
| B |
| A/D |
| A |
| Not rated or not available |
Corrosion of Concrete (2)
| High |
| Moderate |
| Low |
| Not rated or not available |
Corrosion of Steel (3)
| High |
| Moderate |
| Low |
| Not rated or not available |
Dwellings With Basements (4)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Dwellings Without Basements (5)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Lawns, Landscaping, and Golf Fairways (6)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Local Roads and Streets (7)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Shallow Excavations (8)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Small Commercial Buildings (9)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Gravel Source (11)
| Poor |
| Fair |
| Good |
| Not rated or not available |
Roadfill Source (12)
| Poor |
| Fair |
| Good |
| Not rated or not available |
Sand Source (13)
| Poor |
| Fair |
| Good |
| Not rated or not available |
Source of Reclamation Material (14)
| Poor |
| Fair |
| Good |
| Not rated or not available |
Topsoil Source (15)
| Poor |
| Fair |
| Good |
| Not rated or not available |
Farmland Classification (17)
| Not prime farmland |
| All areas are prime farmland |
| Prime farmland if drained |
| Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season |
| Prime farmland if irrigated |
| Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season |
| Prime farmland if irrigated and drained |
| Prime farmland if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season |
| Prime farmland if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer |
| Prime farmland if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 |
| Prime farmland if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium |
| Farmland of statewide importance |
| Farmland of local importance |
| Farmland of unique importance |
| Not rated or not available |
Hydric Rating by Map Unit (18)
| All Hydric |
| Partially Hydric |
| Not Hydric |
| Unknown Hydric |
| Not rated or not available |
Nonirrigated Capability Class (19)
| Capability Class - I |
| Capability Class - II |
| Capability Class - III |
| Capability Class - IV |
| Capability Class - V |
| Capability Class - VI |
| Capability Class - VII |
| Capability Class - VIII |
| Not rated or not available |
Nonirrigated Capability Subclass (20)
| Erosion |
| Soil limitation within the rooting zone |
| Excess water |
| Climate condition |
| Not rated or not available |
Soil Taxonomy Classification (21)
| Coarse-loamy, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Typic Udifluvents |
| Coarse-loamy, mixed, thermic Ruptic-Ultic Dystrochrepts |
| Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Rhodic Kanhapludults |
| Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kandiudults |
| Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults |
| Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Rhodudults |
| Fine, mixed, active, thermic Typic Endoaquults |
| Fine, mixed, active, thermic Typic Hapludults |
| Fine, mixed, active, thermic Ultic Hapludalfs |
| Fine, mixed, semiactive, thermic Aeric Endoaquults |
| Fine, mixed, semiactive, thermic Typic Hapludults |
| Fine, smectitic, mesic Typic Endoaqualfs |
| Fine, smectitic, thermic Typic Endoaqualfs |
| Fine-loamy, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts |
| Fine-loamy, mixed, active, thermic Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts |
| Fine-loamy, mixed, active, thermic Fluventic Dystrudepts |
| Fine-loamy, mixed, semiactive, thermic Aquic Hapludults |
| Fine-loamy, mixed, semiactive, thermic Typic Hapludults |
| Loamy, mixed, active, thermic, shallow Typic Hapludalfs |
| Loamy, mixed, semiactive, thermic, shallow Typic Hapludults |
| Loamy-skeletal, mixed, semiactive, thermic Lithic Dystrudepts |
| Loamy-skeletal, mixed, semiactive, thermic Typic Dystrudepts |
| Very-fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludults |
| Not rated or not available |
Erosion Hazard (Off-Road, Off-Trail) (23)
| Very severe |
| Severe |
| Moderate |
| Slight |
| Not rated or not available |
Erosion Hazard (Road, Trail) (24)
| Very severe |
| Severe |
| Moderate |
| Slight |
| Not rated or not available |
Potential for Damage by Fire (25)
| High |
| Moderate |
| Low |
| Not rated or not available |
Construction Limitations for Haul Roads and Log Landings (26)
| Severe |
| Moderate |
| Slight |
| Not rated or not available |
Mechanical Site Preparation (Deep) (27)
| Unsuited |
| Poorly suited |
| Well suited |
| Not rated or not available |
Mechanical Site Preparation (Surface) (28)
| Unsuited |
| Poorly suited |
| Well suited |
| Not rated or not available |
Potential for Seedling Mortality (29)
| High |
| Moderate |
| Low |
| Not rated or not available |
Soil_Rutting_Hazard (30)
| Severe |
| Moderate |
| Slight |
| Not rated or not available |
Paths and Trails (32)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Picnic Areas (33)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Playgrounds (34)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Daily Cover for Landfill (36)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Sanitary Landfill (Area) (37)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Sanitary Landfill (Trench) (38)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Septic Tank Absorption Fields (39)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Sewage Lagoons (40)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Cation-Exchange Capacity (CEC-7) (42)
| <= 4.4 |
| > 4.4 AND <= 6.4 |
| > 6.4 AND <= 7.8 |
| > 7.8 AND <= 10.8 |
| > 10.8 AND <= 16.5 |
| Not rated or not available |
Effective Cation-Exchange Capacity (ECEC) (43)
| <= 3.3 |
| > 3.3 AND <= 4.8 |
| > 4.8 AND <= 5.9 |
| > 5.9 AND <= 8.1 |
| > 8.1 AND <= 12.4 |
| Not rated or not available |
pH (1 to 1 Water) (44)
| Ultra acid (ph < 3.5) |
| Extremely acid (pH 3.5 - 4.4) |
| Very strongly acid (pH 4.5 - 5.0) |
| Strongly acid (pH 5.1 - 5.5) |
| Moderately acid (pH 5.6 - 6.0) |
| Slightly acid (pH 6.1 - 6.5) |
| Neutral (pH 6.6 - 7.3) |
| Slightly alkaline (pH 7.4 - 7.8) |
| Moderately alkaline (pH 7.9 - 8.4) |
| Strongly alkaline (pH 8.5 - 9.0) |
| Very strongly alkaline (pH > 9.0) |
| Not rated or not available |
K Factor, Rock Free (46)
| .02 |
| .05 |
| .10 |
| .15 |
| .17 |
| .20 |
| .24 |
| .28 |
| .32 |
| .37 |
| .43 |
| .49 |
| .55 |
| .64 |
| Not rated or not available |
K Factor, Whole Soil (47)
| .02 |
| .05 |
| .10 |
| .15 |
| .17 |
| .20 |
| .24 |
| .28 |
| .32 |
| .37 |
| .43 |
| .49 |
| .55 |
| .64 |
| Not rated or not available |
T Factor (48)
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| Not rated or not available |
Wind Erodibility Group (49)
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 4L |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
| Not rated or not available |
Wind Erodibility Index (50)
| 0 |
| 38 |
| 48 |
| 56 |
| 86 |
| 134 |
| 160 |
| 180 |
| 220 |
| 250 |
| 310 |
| Not rated or not available |
Available Water Supply, 0 to 25 cm (52)
| <= 3.03 |
| > 3.03 AND <= 3.45 |
| > 3.45 AND <= 3.78 |
| > 3.78 AND <= 4.18 |
| > 4.18 AND <= 5 |
| Not rated or not available |
Available Water Supply, 0 to 50 cm (53)
| <= 5.7 |
| > 5.7 AND <= 7.05 |
| > 7.05 AND <= 7.7 |
| > 7.7 AND <= 8.4 |
| > 8.4 AND <= 10 |
| Not rated or not available |
Available Water Supply, 0 to 100 cm (54)
| <= 8.04 |
| > 8.04 AND <= 13.05 |
| > 13.05 AND <= 14 |
| > 14 AND <= 14.95 |
| > 14.95 AND <= 19.76 |
| Not rated or not available |
Available Water Supply, 0 to 150 cm (55)
| <= 13.05 |
| > 13.05 AND <= 18.73 |
| > 18.73 AND <= 20.83 |
| > 20.83 AND <= 22.3 |
| > 22.3 AND <= 29.43 |
| Not rated or not available |
Surface Texture (56)
| channery loam |
| clay loam |
| fine sandy loam |
| gravelly fine sandy loam |
| loam |
| silt loam |
| Not rated or not available |
Flooding Frequency Class (58)
| None |
| Very Rare |
| Rare |
| Occasional |
| Frequent |
| Very Frequent |
Depth to Water Table (59)
| 0 - 25 |
| 25 - 50 |
| 50 - 100 |
| 100 - 150 |
| 150 - 200 |
| > 200 |
Embankments, Dikes, and Levees (61)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Excavated Ponds (Aquifer-Fed) (62)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |
Pond Reservoir Areas (63)
| Very limited |
| Somewhat limited |
| Not limited |
| Not rated or not available |