City of Lynchburg - Parcel Viewer

Welcome to the Parcel Viewer, your source for anything property related within the City of Lynchburg. From the latest assessment data to recent sales history, Parcel Viewer has it covered. With an easy to use search feature and a powerful mapping options, the Parcel Viewer provides you with the basic information you need while also giving you the ability to take your property needs to the next level. If you are a realtor, developer, or searching for a new home, then Parcel Viewer is the right place for you.

Be sure to check out our other applications for all your GIS needs. My City Services provides data on nearby City amenities and services and the Open Data Portal allows you to download 100's of datasets, layers, and tables.

Latest News and Information
3-13-2025 ParcelViewer has been updated with 2025 Proposed Real Estate values. Please contact the Assessor's Office with any questions.

2024 Real Estate Taxes The latest Real Estate Property Tax information has been added to ParcelViewer. To access installment dates and balances for a particular property, see the Property Tax tab. For any questions please contact Billings and Collections at (434) 455-3850.

Accessing Utility Data Utility data including Sewer, Stormwater, and Water are no longer viewable from Parcel Viewer. If you need to view Utility related data please use the following link, then using the Layer List button, turn on the Utility data you would like to view.

Data contained anywhere on this website is Copyright © City of Lynchburg. The GIS data are proprietary to the City of Lynchburg, and title to this information remains in the City of Lynchburg. All applicable common law and statutory rights in the GIS data including, but not limited to, rights in copyright, shall and will remain the property of the City of Lynchburg.

Information shown on these maps is derived from public records that are constantly undergoing change. This information does not replace a site survey and is not warranted for content or accuracy. The City does not guarantee the positional or thematic accuracy of the GIS data. The GIS data are not a legal representation of any of the features which are depicted. Any implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall be expressly excluded.

 By checking here, you agree to the information provided above.
Assessor's Office
Contact the Assessor's Office for any property related inquiries.
(434) 455-3830
Clerk of the Circuit Courts Office
Contact the Clerk's Office if a recorded deed or plat of property is needed.
(434) 455-2620 option #4
(434) 455-2620 option #4
Mapping and GIS
Report a problem, provide feedback, or suggest an improvement.
(434) 455-3961

Developed by WorldView Solutions, Inc.
WorldView Solutions